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520SRO6 Red O-Ring Chain

520SRO6 Red O-Ring Chain

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Roller chain: is composed by short cylindrical rollers held together by side links: This system gives freedom of movement allowing to turn around to the rear and front sprocket teeth attenuating friction. Made of durable material but at the same time flexible for optimum performance. Transmission kits include the renowned Enuma Chain chains, strictly Made in Japan, the world's largest chain manufacturer, the holder of the most important patents. Various types of EK chains (normal, high sliding, O-Ring, X-Ring) are supplied in the kit, depending on the type of engine, and accordingly the power and torque of the motor the choice of the most suitable one, and in most cases, transmissions are better than the standard ones.

Regular price R1,238.69
Regular price Sale price R1,238.69
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